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Home 9 Non categorizzato 9 Progetti 9 F-MU.S.EU.M.

Form Multimedia System from a European Museum

F-MU.S.EU.M portal provides access to the “Virtual Museum of the European Roots”, where the visitor can explore the most remarkable items of several European museums together with selected thematic routes, that will guide visitors to the discovery of the European prehistoric culture and heritage. The “Virtual Museum of the European Roots” documents how Europe is founded upon a common ancient matrix, which is consequential to the absence of rigid boundaries, to continuous migrations and interactions and to a plurality of cultural roots and imprints.
Four e-courses, available in four different languages, guide experts and museum professionals in achieving the skills needed for establishing and managing a Virtual Museum.
F-MU.S.EU.M. is based on the results of the MU.S.EU.M. project and its online learning model. It is realized under the Leonardo Da Vinci Programme framework.

The F-MU.S.EU.M. project
The general aim of the project is the transfer and systematization of outcomes and outputs achieved and realised during the implementation of the project MU.S.EU.M.. In fact, although within a context of experimentation, It has been proved the effectiveness of the training, organizational and communication Model produced during the project, in answering to the increasing need, within the museum sector, of new professional competences concerning the planning and management of a mix of culture-art-technology-economy, implying innovative modalities to present and divulge cultural heritages that symbolize not only the specific national identities, but also the European one. The countries that, a part Italy, have been chosen to realise the transfer are Bulgaria and Romania, because of the delay they register in involving Museums in the development of the Information Society and of Net-economy and because in both countries it is necessary and urgent to produce a meaningful impact at system level.

The specific goals of the proposal are:

  • to realise a transfer action so as to foster the development of 4 specific professional branches of the museum sector (management, technical, contents and communication), in order to answer to the fast evolution that the technological and organisation innovations are imposing to the management and valorisation of cultural properties by wider and wider categories of users;
  • to promote the adoption of the F-MU.S.EU.M. innovative lifelong learning model, through the contents, linguistic and technological updating of the prototypical product;
  • to realise the necessary adjustment of the training model through the activation of local laboratories for the experimentation, within the 3 countries partner.

The partnership hold the whole range of competences required for the project implementation: research and training centres, Museums, Institutional local administrations, organisations with technological expertise.
Among the expected outcomes, also in terms of impact, in addition to the further development of the existent website and to the improvement of the competences of the targeted – professional profiles, can be listed the following:

  • updating of data and information (on European scale and starting from a field analysis), related to the occupational and professional needs of the different professional profiles working within the sector of the museum data transmission offer, in order to foster and support the guidance process addressed to both young unemployed and adults in need of professional retraining, and providing a tool for the elaboration of a strategy aimed at facing the labour market;
  • creation of a Network for the continuous training of European museums, given the meaningful translational character of the project;
  • providing the partner representing countries entered in Europe recently with the opportunity of adopt and experimenting training innovative and technologically advanced practices, that can support the process – still in progress – of modernization of the public administrations, being the last a priority indicated by the European community in the pre-admission period.
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